Retrospectives (Reviews of pre 2024 Games)
This section of the website is dedicated to Reviews of games I have not played, releasing pre current year. Same format as the review section, just makes things tidier. Catch series like “Finally Playing”, “Tales from Translation” and “In Need of Porting” here.
Conversation to Die for – Killer Frequency Review
Gallows’ Creek has a serial killer knocking about. Worse still, your Radio show is cancelled in favour of being police dispatcher, and people are just dying to call in.
Are FromSoftware more than Mechs and Straight Swords? – Déraciné Review
Déraciné in British English
1. a person who has been uprooted from his or her native environment or society. adjective. 2. uprooted from one's native environment or society.
Food will tear us apart, again – Venba Review
Everybody loves food. The more food they love, the better. Different peoples and cultures around the world put more significance in their food and the traditions that come with it. That’s the basis for Venba.
Teenage Tadpole ‘Tecting – Frog Detective: The Complete Mystery Review
#2 Detective, suspected Gay Icon, Frog Detective.
Tony Hawk’s Queer Tamil Relationship Trauma – Thirsty Suitors Review
Thirsty Suitors is a game that sells on concept alone – a bombastic game where you must fight your ex partners ala Scott Pilgrim in “Psychosexual Mind Dramas” with turn based RPG mechanics. I was enamoured from day 1.