Introducing “52 in 52”
This is a challenge where I must get 52 Platinum trophies in 52 weeks of a year. I told myself it would start the moment I got my 100th platinum, which just happened to be 31/12/2023, so for convenience sake (and the fact I was working NYE so wasn’t playing anything). The challenge starts 1/1/24 and ends 31/12/2024. My previous record for Platinum’s in a year was 31 in 2023, so I look forward to trying to beat that.
With PS3, PS4/PS5 and PSVR2 – I have plenty of options for trophies.
The rules for the challenge:
There are no time constraints: I can get 7 Plats in a week or 1 in a month. I’m not limited to 1 Platinum a week nor do I have to get each Platinum within a week’s time
Already started lists: Lists I have already started are fair game, this isn’t 52 start and finish Platinum’s. If I have incomplete lists, the final trophies are probably difficult enough to justify a place in this challenge.
Repeat vs Save Transfer: I do not count Platinum’s that come entirely or partially from save transfers from PS4-PS5. Games I have the Platinum for already and have new lists (PS4 and PS5 lists for example) are fair game as I have to recomplete the game.
For example: Ghost of Tsushima: Director’s Cut would be a save transfer Platinum, therefore would not count. Life is Strange received a Remaster, so even though I have the original Platinum, this is fair game.
This is the official announcement of the challenge, with the first of 3 updates happening on 6/5/24.